About the Journal

The IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY (Iran J Pathol), is an Open Access journal that publishes original research papers, reviews, case reports, short communications, and letters to editors in clinical and anatomical pathology with a priority for high-quality original papers on mechanisms of disease and clinical trials.

We accept manuscripts that report important findings on disease pathogenesis and basic biological mechanisms that relate to disease without preferences for a specific analysis method. High priority is given to studies on human diseases and relevant experimental models that use cellular, molecular, biochemical & immunological approaches in conjunction with morphology, and to manuscripts that report new diagnostic methods or analytical systems and their application in studies of disease pathogenesis and diagnosis.


Full Journal Title Iranian Journal of Pathology
Publisher Farname Inc.
Owner and Sci. Organization Iranian Society of Pathology​
Scientific Research Approval Will be announced
Abbreviation Title ISO:  Iran. J. Pathol. | IJP:  Iran J Pathol
Category Pathology / Forensic Medicine
Online ISSN 2345-3656
Language English
Journal Country/Territory IR Iran / CA Canada
Frequency Quarterly
Online Submission Via the journal website
Distribution 15% in European countries, 15% in the USA & Canada, and 70% in the Middle East and Middle Asia​
Price Online: Open Access; ​
Indexing: farname.incgmail.com